Maja Šavor

Ime: Maja
Prezime: Šavor

Datum i mjesto rođenja: 07.02.1986; Zagreb

Ruka s kojom igra: Desna
Konkurencije: Singl, ženski i mješoviti par

Klubovi: BK "Stella", od 2001.g. BK "Purger"
Strani klubovi: WBH "Wien"

Trenutno: Zbog zdravstvenih problema (2010.g.) prekinula je igračku karijeru. Sa 24 godine nastavlja trenerski posao vođenjem Ivana Tucakovića i BK "Purger".

  1. Ekipna pobjednica austrijske lige 2010 sa WBH "Wien"
  2. 1/4 Finale Croatian Internationala 2009 u ženskom paru sa Stašom Poznanović i u mixu sa Slovencem Lukom Petričem
  3. Juniorska pobjednica 2004.g. Friedrichsafena odn. International Bodensee Jugend Badminton Turnier
  4. Sa Nevenom Rihtarom u mješovitom paru osvojila je prvo mjesto u Evropskom juniorskom krugu 2003.-4.
  5. Sa Matejom Šalov u ženskim parovima 2000.g. Prvakinja je Hrvatske
  6. Sa Nevenom Rihtarom od 2002 - 2004.g. Prvakinja je Hrvatske u mješovitim parovima
Pogledajte vijest sa naše stranice.

Maja je imala inteview na stranicama na zadnjem Europskom mix ekipnom Prvenstvu 2011 u Amsterdamu. Pročitajte:

Heart attack and play again
18 February 2011

Maja Savor, 25 years and player of the national team of Croatia, is happy that she can play here. Last year she had a heart attack.

"I played a league game in Vienna. In the morning I went running and during this I got pain in my chest. It feeled like cramp. When I came home I was brought to the doctor and immediately ended up in a hospital. The ECG revealed a clot in a vein. I had immediately an operation. There were two "stents" put into my veins through my groin. After 10 days hospital I was allowed to go home. There was no cause for my heart attack and the rest of my body was in excellent condition! "She says now with a smile.

Now back on track
I have been one year on pills to regulate my heart. It goes fine with me. I could just not play 100% badminton. Rather difficult, because I am a professional player! I now train 3 to 4 times a week and play this tournament, for example, only the mixed doubles. After this tournament I will play the Hungarian League and two tournaments. This is my first big European Championship tournament, so I really wanted  to play here."

We wish Maja a good and complete recovery!!"



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