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Modeli treninga

Modeli su samo primjeri kako se može raditi tokom mjeseca, tjedna ili dana. Trenažna jedinica je sam trening. Treninge slažemo u micro  - mezzo - makro cikluse, koji su opet dio određenog perioda koji može biti generalni pripremni/specifični pripremni/prednatjecateljski/natjecateljski period, a periodi su dio pripremnih ili natjecateljskih faza kojih može biti i više tokom godine(1/1,2/1,3/1). Planovi daju okvir, a programi su mnogo određeniji. Godišnji planovi, četverogodišnji planovi ili tvz. olimpijski ciklusi 8/10/12 godišnji planovi usko su povezani sa ciljevima...  restitucija je isto tako važan dio plana.

U godišnjim planovima Hrvatskog olimpijskog Odbora navode se: Što su konkretniji ciljevi to su i konkretniji rezultati. Testiranjima i natjecanjima provjeravamo rezultate pripreme i prema tome se dalje ravnamo. Individualizacija programa ključ je uspjeha. Ne smije se zaboraviti na važnost periodizacije.

A) Primjer je mjesečnog modela programa pripreme (winning doubles)  kanadske reprezentacije za vrijeme kada je trener bio Gunther Huber (Badminton 2000 / april), programa koji je bio za OI u Sydney-u i koji ćemo prikazati samo u osnovnim crticama:

Badminton treninzi su bili 2x dnevno u koji su uključene određeni elementi iz podsjetnika. U nedijelju je bio slobodan dan. Četvrtkom koji je malo lakši i subotom ujutro su se igrali mečevi, a multishuttle je bio utorkom i petkom.

Program je podijeljen na osnovne elemente: B) Dnevna rutina Gail Emms iz Engleske koja je čista parska igračica, eX svjetska prvakinja i s medaljom na Olimpijskim Igrama
www.gailemms.com/index/13/training.html, a izdvojio sam trening na terenu (9-11)... koji je svakodnevan po 2h sa dodatnih pola sata istezanja nakon treninga; trening snage ili kardio je poslijepodne od 14-16h (3X tjedno) ili kardio (2X tjedno).
On-court Training Practices
Combination of the following:

Mid – Rear (hitting hard) routines 6x 90secs work

This is a killer! This routine is usually done on your own but it can be done as a rotation exercise with your doubles partner. The person feeding will hit the shuttle to the back of the court or drive it back to the mid-court and the person / pair working has to hit everything back hard and fast! So all smashes and drives! This is to get good cardiovascular endurance as well as being consistent when you are working hard.

Mid – Rear (hitting soft) 6x 90secs

The same idea as above but this time the shots are softer and more controlled. Drop shots and pushes will be the main focus as well as the concept of moving fast but hitting soft.

Drives 4x 60secs

This is a battle of the drives! The worker/s will be driving the shots with good, controlled lateral movement and looking to come forward all the time to get the initiative of attack. The feeder also has the option of putting flat lifts in, to keep the worker/s on their toes.

Push downs 6x 60 shots

A great exercise when you are small and speedy (me!), not so great if you are tall and find it hard getting those steep pushes! It is important to use the leg other than your racket leg to help you push off and move quickly and laterally around the court and pick up those pushes. This exercise is for 1 person to work but can be fed by 2 people to make it harder and get more angles. Again, flat lifts can be put in too.

3v2 defence 4x5mins

Best to work in a pair so you practice your defence together! The middle area in defence is always the hardest and it is important to practice as a pair to get used to who takes what shot and who goes for the middle in certain situations. On the other side of the court will be 2 people at the back smashing down and 1 person at the front trying to cut out drives and attack blocks and put pressure on the pair defending. This is just an extra pressure game as of course you won’t be playing against 3 people, but it definitely makes you think about your defence shots. You can also have 2 people attacking at the net and 1 at the back for variation.

4v2 defence 4x 5min

More pressure for the pair working! Why have 3 people against you when you can have 4?! This is just another pressure defence exercise with 2 people attacking you at the net and 2 people attacking you at the back. Defence shots have to be good or there will not be any rallies! Again, it is best to work in your pairs .

T-jumps 4x 90sec

This is what we call the exercise that works the net player around the front of the court. The feeder will put in all sorts of shots, net shots, tempter loop shots, pushes at the player, pushes below tape and cross-court shots, all to keep the player working hard around the net, keeping them on their toes at all time, working their reactions as well as keeping up the skill level. An important one for mixed doubles ladies.

Multi-feed net work 6x 40 shuttle

The coach is using the multi-shuttle feeder here (or holding the shuttles) and feeding all around the net area, making the player work hard in every direction and every dimension. The idea is to build up speed and reactions when playing at the net and having a clinical attack

Multi-feed defence 6x 50 shuttle

Same concept as the net work, but this time the feeder is hitting shuttles down hard at the player working. The player working can practice a certain defence shot or use it as a reaction type exercise. The person feeding should try and create as many angles possible and try and catch the blind spot so the player working has got to work fast, and controlled so not to get caught out. This can be done as a pair too.

6x Smash/ Drive / Net x 1

This is an exercise that hurts! The ides is to have a player working the attack and will smash from the rear court, then look for the drive (can be anywhere), drive it back, then come in for a net shot off the block, and then the exercise starts again and this is repeated 12 times! In doubles, sometimes 1 person can be working a lot and this exercise helps you prepare for the fact that you need to be patient in attack yet go for everything!



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